Labels:bulletin board | person | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Arles: French city twenty tve miles narth af where the Rhone empties into the Mediterranean After Edgar Degas Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Dodge MacKnight sup plied him with picturesque accaunts of the French Midi, Van set aut from Paris by train. disembarking only when his money ran out For fifteen months (from Febru- ary 20 1888 to May 8 1889) Arles wAS the painter': Prov encal home The city was dilapidated medieval town buoved bya tourist industry that centered on Roman ruins While residing in the civic quarter north fArles's histori cal district Vincent completed two hundred paintings and ver: hundred drawings inaugura ating the mast produc- tive period of his working life. Perhaps the city' greatest asset lay in the fact that it supported na preexistent artistic community. It was in ...